

Time Location
Alternate Sundays

9:00 – 10:30 a.m.


No Online or live Classes (Due to COVID-19 Pandemic)


Class Dates

  • Please contact us for further details.

Course Details

  • We will be following Karnataka Government, India recognized curriculum for grades1-5 along with prescribed text-books for these grades
  • Open to students of ages: 5-15
  • 2 Kannada books/term will be provided to each enrolled student for $10.00 ($5/book) and distributed during the first class of each
    term of the course

About Kannada Classes

  • Students will learn reading, writing, and speaking in Kannada through attractive/colored books, and curriculum
  • 27 classes are scheduled
  • Students receive certificates for passing Kannada examination
  • Annual fee of $200 for the academic year (Textbooks separate $10)

Registration Process

1Fill out the details including student information using one of the following options.
  1. Online
    1. https://forms.gle/jrLR6BW78efC6jVEA
  2. Offline
    1. Download the application
    2. Give it in the school along with the payment information.
2Pay the suggested fee of $200 or more to support the program using one of the following options.
  1. Online payment either through “Zelle” or credit card.
    1. Money transfer through “Zelle”
      Email: ec@myhtw.net.
      In the comments section, please add, “Towards Hindi classes”.
    2. Pay by credit card
  2. Send a check to HTW.Payable to “HTW-EYS”
    In the memo, please add, “Towards Hindi Classes”
    Mail your check to,
    Hindu Temple of The Woodlands,
    P.O. Box 130307
    Spring, TX 77393


Gopalakrishna Magadi 832 326 6582 gmagadi@hotmail.com
Dr. (Mrs.) Bhavana Vasisht bhavanavasisht@gmail.com